Defence equipment manufactured by Matt Black Systems
Whatever you are looking for from your defence manufacturing supplier, we’re sure that we have the capability to provide it. Our 45 years of experience in delivering high quality, cost effective products such as defence lighting, knobs, displays and night vision equipment has left us perfectly placed to meet your needs.
We can offer you bespoke product solutions or you can chose from the following products in the defence manufacturing catalogue (click on the product to view in more detail):
We provide an industry leading, collaborative bespoke solution service which can incorporate our design and manufacture from concept right through to delivery.
Whatever products you wish to purchase from us, be they defence lighting implements, defence displays or night vision products, we will have the perfect solution for you.

Over 45 years of defence manufacturing experience
Matt Black Systems has been at the forefront of innovation with regards to the creation and manufacturing of products for the defence industry for over 45 years.
What We Can Offer You:
World-class operations and capabilities. We can fulfil your requirements from design to delivery, ensuring 100% quality at every stage of the process.
A direct dial number to the person actually building your units – no more phone calls to half a dozen different people, no more ‘I think the goods are in the test department, I’ll find out and let you know…’ – you get the information you need, right now.
Superb levels of quality. Our staff are personally involved in every stage of manufacture. They take responsibility for getting it right and they are measured, on an individual basis, against the performance our clients demand.
Market-leading levels of ‘On Time In Full’ delivery. We measure ourselves every month against a company target of 100%. If we achieve 99.9% we have failed.
Ultra-competitive price levels, the result of the productivity improvements and overhead reductions that result from our removal of job functions and our application of lean principles across the entire business.